Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Time is so Compressed ...

... that a year becomes "just the other day, I--" comment. That's all a part of aging, I'm told. Repeatedly! Hummm. Isn't it said that in the Lord's eyes, a day is like a thousand years? Now there's age for you! Using that POV, I'm in good company. Yep, yep, yep.

I saw a great thought for the day quote that fits exactly where I'm at with my writing.


"The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous
feeling of the words being there, written in
invisible ink and clamoring to become visible."

~ Vladimir Nabakov

My particular pages are short--for a change--and will eventually come to the surface. Usually, I can't shut "Yesod" (that's my muse's name) up. He simply chatters on and on no matter what. I finally gave in and let him chatter away. The result: 3 long science fiction novels now making the rounds, 2 short stories in the same condition, and blabber-mouth Yesod prone on the couch. Not alone, I might add. He's sharing space with me. We will both get up soon and begin again. That's what a writer does--even when the pages appear blank. They aren't really. The words are there, written in invisible ink, just waiting for you to open your eyes and "see."

Someone asked me once, a very long time ago (only yesterday, I think), and in a joking manner if I knew what my muse looked like since I spoke of him as if he were a roommate. I do, as a matter of fact. A small, stone replica sits on my computer tower. Purchased from a little shop I was visiting with my sister. She loved bric-a-brac. We were definitely in the right shop! As I wandered down crowded aisles, arms close to my sides to avoid brushing shelves, one reached out, grabbed my hand, and whispered in my ear--Yesod. And there he sat. Like "The Thinker" except in gargoyle form. Did you know that gargoyles were really protectors? Anyway, Yesod accompanied me to the cash register and thence to my computer tower where he advises me of what comes next. Where did the name Yesod come from, you ask? The Tree of Life. Apropos, I think. Would you not agree?

That's all. Just wanted to share a bit or two with you. And if you write, don't despair over a blank page. The words are there. Trust me